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Maxoderm Review: What is it, how does it work, pros and cons

Maxoderm is one of the most sought-after male enhancement gels on the market, the product still promises incredible results. But the big question is: does the product really work and is it capable of delivering all the results it promises? Let's find out in this review the real truth!

Maxoderm Review: What is it, how does it work, pros and cons

For many couples, sexual intimacy is seen as an important factor in their relationship. It is an opportunity for them to strengthen their bonds with passionate lovemaking. Couples see it as a chance to impress their partner so the man satisfies the woman and vice versa. However, pleasure is hard to attain especially when the man experiences erectile dysfunction.

male enhancement gel

That is why men resort to topical male enhancement products as a way to improve their love lives. When it comes to choosing a male enhancement product, an important aspect to consider is how quickly the product can take effect.

This speed is exactly what you will see with Maxoderm Topical Male Enhancement Lotion. If you are curious as to what is Maxoderm, this review will give you some information about what is Maxoderm and how it works.

What is Maxoderm?

Maxoderm is a topical male enhancement product created by Barmensen Labs designed to help men improve their erection in terms of firmness and longevity.

This product is designed to get instant erections. It is being used by thousands of men to enhance their erections and orgasms. It is applied topically to get fast results and it’s one of the reasons why most people are somewhat anxious about whether this new male enhancement system would work.

It is a well-known fact that a man’s ability to perform during sexual intercourse may decline as he gets older. That problem includes the difficulty of sustaining or even having an erection. Maxoderm is the perfect solution for men experiencing a decline in erection quality. The formulators from Barmensen Labs have created Maxoderm for men to start a proactive approach to their sexual health.

How does the product promise to help you?

  • Promises instant erections
  • Improve the quality of your erections and orgasms
  • Improve erection quality and hardness with just one use
  • Improve and intensify orgasms


  • It is more effective than conventional pills
  • Visible results in the first 4 applications
  • Can be used before and during sex
  • Helps the penis to harden quickly
  • It is 100% natural, has vitamins and minerals in its composition


  • Full results may take up to 5 weeks.
  • Cannot be applied more than once a day
  • It is necessary to massage the penis for between 5 and 10 minutes
  • The price is uninviting, $59.95 per tube

Main Ingredients

  • L-Arginine
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Maca
  • Arginine
  • Muira Puama
  • Saw palmetto
  • Catuaba extract
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc Oxide

Price list

  • 10 months of treatment: $470.00 ($129.55 off) Free Shipping 
  • 6 Months of Treatment: $289,98 ($69.75 off) Free Shipping 
  • 3 Months of Treatment: $154.95 ($24.90 off) Free Shipping 
  • 2 Months of Treatment: $109,96 ($9.95 off)
  • 1 Month of Treatment: $59.95

Now that we know the product profile, let’s go deeper into the review and check all this information.

Does Maxoderm work?

Once Maxoderm is applied, it increases the release of nitric oxide in the corpus cavernosal. It relaxes the muscles and inflates them with blood. It then drains the blood away from the penis by compressing the veins, allowing blood to rush in which is then trapped to produce an instant erection. This formula starts functioning as soon as it comes in contact with the penis.

Unlike male enhancement pills, Maxoderm takes effect in an instant because the lotion is directly applied to the penis. Pills may take some hours before they can begin taking effect. With Maxoderm, you can feel assured that an erection can be achieved fast.

Another fact about Maxoderm is that it not only provides great results fast but is also great in terms of consistency. Maxoderm works to help you achieve erections every time and therefore keep your penile muscle cells and tissues in shape. When the man gets an erection, the penis receives oxygenated blood that strengthens the tissues.

So as you become consistent in using Maxoderm, the long-term effect is that the strength of your erections will also be consistent because your penile muscle cells and tissues are healthy and elastic.

Maxoderm uses an ionized water-based solution. It also uses a patented formula called Vasotran Auctum which accounts for the tingling sensation every time the Maxoderm lotion is applied. This sensation is a sign that Maxoderm is taking effect.

Advantages of using Maxoderm

As discussed earlier, this topical male enhancement formula can be applied directly on the penis for instant erection, unlike other products which cure erectile dysfunctions through oral ingestion that shows results after a waiting period of up to 2 hours.

And since it can be applied directly, why not ask your partner to apply it for you, a more pleasurable way to use it? Lastly, Maxoderm has no proven adverse side effects on your body. This is evident from customer feedback and testimonials posted on their website.

For those who are still unsure of the product and its results, Maxoderm offers 60 days money back guarantee. If you face unsatisfactory results after using the product for 60 days, you can return the unused portion within 67 days to get a 100% refund.

There is a recommended frequency of usage for Maxoderm

Initially, Maxoderm should be applied at least four times in one week. For the second and third weeks, make five applications each week and six applications for each of the two succeeding weeks. In the seventh and eighth weeks, go back to making five applications per week and subtract one more for each of the two succeeding weeks. In the eleventh and twelfth weeks, you should be applying Maxoderm three times a week.

Maxoderm is very easy to apply as the product is only like lotion. Just massage the length of your penis with a small amount of Maxoderm lotion for five to ten minutes. You may start to feel the effects in less than one minute. There are also no known side effects so the product is safe to use during self-pleasuring or before you start sexual intercourse with your partner.

Know that the more you ejaculate, the more you are at a lesser risk of developing prostate cancer because you flush out the harmful elements that may damage the cells.

Where to buy Maxoderm

Maxoderm can be ordered through trusted online stores. There are a lot of stores that offer promos and gifts when you buy Maxoderm. If you come to the right place, you may even find a promo that offers you an extra tube of Maxoderm with free shipping and a discount card. Shopping online for Maxoderm may help you get more savings out of big discounts. Most suppliers also offer a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Official website: https://www.naturalhealthsource.com/

When you order Maxoderm from stores online, it is safer to buy it directly from the manufacturer to ensure that the product is not a knock-off. The product must also be shipped discreetly and securely. Make transactions with Maxoderm sellers over a secure Internet connection to protect your privacy.

Improve erection with Maxoderm

Now is the time for men to stop feeling so insecure about their problems regarding their penis, Maxoderm can solve all of those problems and will make any man feel better, prouder, and bigger. Maxoderm is a revolutionary topical Male Enhancement System that will improve a man’s erection. In an instant, Maxoderm will help men to have stronger and harder erections all the time, it will also boost the confidence of any guy and will make the guy and his girl more sexually satisfied.

For so many reasons like growing older or often being too tired or stressed, there are times when the erection of a man just does not last long. And unlike other male enhancement products that take time to have their effect, Maxoderm takes effect immediately. When using this absorbing lotion for the first time, a great intense warming sensation will be felt as sexual intercourse takes place.

Why is it effective?

The erection is achieved when excitatory signals are sent to the nervous system when nitric oxide is released on the penis. The nitric oxide relaxes the muscle cells which allows blood to be trapped in the penis making it erect. Maxoderm improves the quality of a male erection by enhancing the stimulation of the penis.

Unlike other supplements like herbal products or pills that claim to help in a man’s erection will still have to go through the process of being broken down inside the body, fortunately, Maxoderm is directly applied to the penis giving it maximum and immediate effect. The key ingredient of Maxoderm is the patented formula of VASOTRAN AUCTUM which directly stimulates the skin tissue that enables a man to have an erection and an orgasm.

Achieving an erection regularly is also important, not only for sexual pleasure but because without oxygen, the tissue and muscle cells inside the penis may lose elasticity. Regular masturbation and erection also help in preventing cancer. A study done in Melbourne, Australia by a member of the Cancer Council Victoria discovered that men aged 20 to 50 who ejaculate regularly a less prone to prostate cancer since ejaculation flushes out the ducts that may damage the cells on the prostate.

A quarter-sized amount of the absorbing lotion is applied to the penis while massaging it during masturbation for 5-10 minutes. The sensation and feeling of having an improved erection are felt whenever Maxoderm is used. However, for visual results, it might take 8-12 weeks for an average man, but for some customers, it is all in a matter of 4 weeks. The results may vary because everyone has a different body makeup, physiology, and lifestyle.

Maxoderm reviews

Because of the many fake products available on the market; you may wonder does maxoderm works. Men of different ages are using Maxoderm to improve their sexual experience with their partners. A 57-year-old customer claimed that Maxoderm made him more confident about himself. The warming sensation has also been one of the commended things about Maxoderm, several customers said that the sensation was just wild and their partners loved it. Most customers also expressed their thanks to Maxoderm as it has changed our sex life by 110%.

Side effects and recommendations from a doctor

Aside from having a 97% Customer Satisfaction Rate, Maxoderm is also recommended by a leading Urologist in New York. Not only does he recommend the absorbing lotion, but he has also joined the manufacturer’s Advisory Board in developing its Sexual Health products. Furthermore, apart from being part of the makers of Maxoderm, he is also a member of Richmond County Medical Society and American Urological Association and an Advisory Board member for the American Cancer Society.

Why Wait For an Erection When You Can Get It On-Demand With Maxoderm

As the tagline suggests, “Erections on-demand and no wait times!” Maxoderm is one of the best products when it comes to providing fast results to problems men have, maintaining erections. Lately, Maxoderm has gathered a lot of attention, predominantly because it is one of those products that can be applied directly, unlike pills that need to be swallowed or other products that are stuck on like patches.

In short

  • Maxoderm is a lubricant cream used to enhance sexual performance in an instant;
  • It is cream-based and is applied to the penis to make it erect harder and thicker;
  • It also makes the blood flow to the penis increase to give that long-lasting erection;
  • The person will also experience a newfound desire to have sex that will make them perform well;
  • It contains all natural ingredients so it has no side effects.