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Male Extra Reviews: How does it work, what are the benefits, ingredients, and long-term side effects?

Like a good Male Extra male enhancement review, this article will discuss about the details of this groundbreaking male enhancement supplement. By reading this review, you will better understand how MaleExtra can actually save your relationship from complete stagnation.

Male Extra Reviews: How does it work, what are the benefits, ingredients, and long-term side effects?

The term male enhancement can mean so many things, especially because there are so many products today that claim to be able to enhance a man’s sexual prowess as well as his entire sex life because of the amazing ingredients in their products. What they really fail to mention is their actual definition of what enhancement means to them.

  • Is the quality of the erection?
  • Is it the capability to last longer both with the erection as well as stamina?
  • Or it is all of the above?

All the Male Extra reviews that you will read will reveal to you that Male Extra is just the product to give you all of these things.

There is a reason that Male Extra has an extra in its name and that is because it goes beyond what all the other male enhancement products on the market today are offering. The difference with this review amongst others is that here the very definition of enhancement will be given. The kind of enhancement that Male Extra will give you comes in many different ways, and that is through penis enlargement as well as larger, and more intense erections, as well as improved endurance and strength.

In this review:

MaleExtra, for many years, has carved its niche in the ever-expanding male enhancement product market. As you get further on this Male Extra review, you will understand how MaleExtra works like magic in saving stagnating relationships due to sexual issues.

male extra pills

Male Extra (www.maleextra.com official website) is a natural male enhancement product that promises to give you bigger, harder, longer hardware to do the job right. This is such a huge claim, considering that in this department, there are a lot of products that have the same claim but don’t really deliver the results that you’ve paid for. All they have are empty words without clear results.

Male Extra, on the other hand, deviates from the norm of just giving out empty processes by really delivering actual results. The makers of this wonder product are confident that it really works, and will really elevate your sexual performance to the next level.

Their confidence comes from the expert formulation of Male Extra, something that you won’t easily get with other male enhancement products.

Immensely popular

MaleExtra is now made available in almost every part of the globe. This superb male enhancement supplement is a product of extensive scientific research. Blended with the most advanced sexual enhancement formula, MaleExtra is guaranteed very effective in re-igniting the fire of your sexual prowess.

Aside from rekindling the flame of your libido, this excellent male enhancement product is also designed to improve your overall sexual health without adverse side effects that are usually associated with run-of-the-mill male enhancement pills and capsules.

The Male Extra is made from pure, highly concentrated Pomegranate 40% ellagic combined with an enhancing formula that would surely boost your manhood upon continued use. You’ll see changes in your hardware that you’ve never seen before. These changes will surely take you and your partner to new sexual heights.

Some people might wonder if they could duplicate the results of the Male Extra natural male enhancement by drinking pomegranate juice. Well, in order to get the male-enhancing power of the Male Extra pills, you need to drink more than 500 glasses of pomegranate juice! So rather than busting your bladder, you can just take Male Extra pills to enhance your manhood and your sexual performance.

What makes MaleExtra different from the rest?

Being different is something that MaleExtra is proud of. Even the prescribed drugs would not be as effective as their formula. MaleExtra is not just powerful; it is also effective. Other male enhancement drugs like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis may have some natural herbs and extracts with them but they are not pure substances. Moreover, they may not be as effective as they claim they are.

What makes MaleExtra different from the rest of the male enhancements available in the market is its natural component. Who would have thought that an all-natural formulation could answer your manhood problems? Your problem with the size of your manhood will be solved finally. The formulation of MaleExtra is not just made to satisfy you but your partner as well.

The short and long-term benefits of using MaleExtra

Choosing MaleExtra over the other male enhancement products in the market may just be the greatest choice you will make when your body is concerned. It will let you enjoy many benefits because this is not your typical male enhancement; it is also a supplement created to promote male sexual health. Benefits can be divided into short-term and long-term benefits.

The short-term benefits would include better erections. This is expected during the first dosage of MaleExtra.

The formulation of this powerful male enhancement is made to give its users immediate results so you won’t have to wait any longer.

MaleExtra will target the blood vessels so they will relax and dilate allowing better erections. However, if you have existing blood vessel problems, the results you are expecting may not be that immediate. Aside from better erections, you should also expect a boosted libido. MaleExtra is made from natural ingredients so it can benefit you in the end.

The longer you take MaleExtra, the greater the chances you will see improvements in your body, plus, more good results will be seen.

It will enhance your manhood while repairing the body so it can perform at an optimal level.

As time goes by, the blood flow in your body will be significantly better allowing more oxygenated blood to reach the cells, thus, making you feel healthier. Because of this, the penile cells will also be invigorated and stronger, the more you take MaleExtra. More and more energy is expected every day.

This groundbreaking male enhancement supplement will give users a lot of benefits

But compared to ordinary sexual performance enhancers, MaleExtra is never a one-trick pony. Below are some of the benefits that you would experience when you use this popular male enhancement product.

  • Thicker, Bigger, longer lasting, and harder erections.
  • Improved sexual stamina.
  • Better overall sexual health.

The ingredients that make it happen

The complete list of the ingredients of Male Extra

The ingredients are an important factor in the success of this dual system. As was mentioned before, Male Extra is an all-natural herbal supplement that is sure to make your erection harder, and stronger, and your orgasms ridiculously mind-blowing.

But what makes this possible without any sort of chemical influence?

Well, thanks to the amazing ingredients of Male Extra, you do not need any artificial chemicals ever again! Here is a complete list of the ingredients of Male Extra and what it does:

  • Pomegranate although a lot of different male enhancement products have pomegranate, Male Extra is the only brand to go the extra mile and add are the only ones that added Pomegranate 40% ellagic in their unique formula. The reason that no other brand puts this in their product is that this kind of pomegranate is highly expensive, and it is a very high class, so they opt to go for the cheaper kind of pomegranate. This kind of pomegranate is what makes Male Extra go farther than usual. Pomegranate is known as the Viagra of nature, and what it does is that it increases the quality of the erection in it that it becomes harder, longer and it will boost your sex drive along with it.
  • L-Arginine this is an amino acid that is also a high roller when it comes to male enhancement formulas because of its ability to help the muscles dilate, hence allowing in more blood into the penis, making your erection harder and stronger.
  • Methyl sulfonyl methane when taken in MSM along with the other ingredients, will not only improve blood flow into the penis but will also repair any damaged tissues that you might have in your penis, that way you can have newer cells replacing the tendons that have been lost.
  • The other potent ingredients are L-methionine, cordyceps, and Niacin.

This product is proven to work and has no side effects! But of course, proper application has to be followed.

What makes this product so great?

Well, for one thing, its’ made from natural ingredients with pomegranate as its most prominent one. Pomegranate, if you haven’t heard of it, is a fruit proven to add to the circulation of blood in the body. When drunk, pomegranate can cause any man to rise to the occasion anytime and anywhere the situation would call for it! Scientists have perfected the use of pomegranate as they have unlocked its full potential in every intake of Male Extra.

Male Extra is the ultimate solution to all your sex problems. Not only will you get massive erections, but you’re also guaranteed to have 2 inches added to your length! And it doesn’t stop there. With continuous use, you’ll be able to get it to an even bigger size.

Just imagine this:

You’ll have continuous orgasms each time you and your partner do it. You’ll feel every thrust that you make with your long dong. And most importantly, you’ll make her beg for more as she screams for joy in every session! There is no better way to defy the laws of nature. Give your limp tool the pride it deserves. Give it Male Extra.

A lot of penis-growing pills out there will tell you that they have figured out how to combine all the penis enhancement treatments into one measly pill. Let MaleExtra be the first one to tell you how untrue those words are. When it comes to targeting something as special as that package of yours, you can never fit all the medication into just one intake.

And this is the reason why MaleExtra provides you with all the known treatments for your penis in one box of pills! The ingredients included are L-Arginine, Muira Pauma, Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, Epimedium Sagittatum, Tongkat Ali, and many, many more! The package may cost more than other penis enhancement pills, but it’s a great buy if you’re thinking about the benefits that MaleExtra can provide.

  • This supplement is dedicated to providing you with maximum length. Expect to gain at least a three-inches on your penis after you get through with this product.
  • MaleExtra gets the blood pumping into your veins and you can maintain erections longer for optimum sexual performance! Expect multiple orgasms for you and your lover.
  • Control the night and make your girl proud with your outstanding stamina.
  • With Pomegranate, you can get a stronger sex drive as you get solid erections each and every time you get the urge.
  • Compared to other penis-growing pills, you get more value in the long run. Since you get more pills, you get more savings!

It might seem funny when the topic of conversation is an ungifted tool. But when you really think about it, that small penis can be a really big problem in the latter stages of your life. So don’t deprive your penis of what it really deserves! If you want to be the best that you can be in bed, go with MaleExtra.

MaleExtra VS Extenze

There are a lot of products out there for male enhancement purposes, more specifically for penis enlargement, stamina building, and fighting erectile dysfunction. The problem now is that men are having a hard time figuring out what product they want to use. There are two main products that are proving to be the best of the best when it comes to helping men overcome their problems in bed, and these two products are MaleExtra and Extenze.

But which one is the right product for you?

To further determine this, you need to look carefully at what each product targets and compare it to whether or not it is what you need.


Extenze (www.extenze.com) is a dietary supplement that is designed specifically to help men and their sexual needs. It is targeted at enlarging the length and girth of the erect penis of a man. It uses an all natural formulation that features only the best ingredients that have been tried and tested to work for making the penis longer and thicker.

Because of the all natural substances that are being used, there are no reported side effects, unlike chemical substances for male enhancement that have caused scary side effects such as blue vision, pounding headaches, and even nausea and vomiting.

Because it is classified as a dietary supplement, the required dosage for Extenze to work is one per day and must be taken for eight weeks for optimal results to push through. As a matter of fact, the very essence of Extenze is to make it a part of your daily routine and regimen of vitamins.

The ingredients of Extenze are cut up into three basic groups: the male prohormone blend, the bio-enhancement blend, and the sexual response enhancement blend. These three put together work in a synergistic fashion to make your problems with size and erectile dysfunction go away forever.

Some of the ingredients that can be found in Extenze are popular ingredients for male enhancement, such as ginger, black pepper, Yohimbe extract, Korean ginseng extract, and horny goat weed.


MaleExtra (www.maleextra.com) is different because it is not just a pill that is taken every day, it is actually a system that includes both pills as well as exercises that you can do in as little as 5-8 minutes in a day that will naturally and successfully make your penis bigger.

The main feature of MaleExtra is that it contains the highest dosage among similar products. The MaleExtra pill has a whopping total of 1500mg of all natural ingredients, which is something that no other brand of male enhancement products can say.

Also, out of the 1500ml, 40% of it is pomegranate, which is dubbed nature’s Viagra. It has been proven to be able to enhance a man’s sexual libido and help him become a fireball in bed.

The other ingredients of MaleExtra are ingredients like L-Arginine, Muira Pauma, Epimedium Sagittatum, and Tongkat Alli, most of which are also very popular amongst male enhancement products. The pull of this product is that it offers a higher dosage compared to other brands but for the same price as other brands.

If you are the type of person who is always on the go and does not have time to really do exercises, then Extenze is definitely the brand for you, but if you believe that you want to do the exercises because they have been proven to be effective in naturally and painlessly enlarging the penis, then you definitely need to go with MaleExtra.

Either way, you can try them both without any risk because they both have a money back guarantee within 60 days if you are not fully satisfied with the product, or if you realize that it is not for you. But chances are you won’t even need to send them back because these two products are the real deal.

Excellence and quality performance

For many years now, MaleExtra has been a brand synonymous with excellence and quality performance. Due to the effectiveness of this superb male sexual enhancer, it has now become very popular in many parts of the world. Unlike other substandard male enhancement products, MaleExtra is meticulously developed by the best names in the sexual health field. It is blended to perfection with some of the best organic ingredients found in nature. This means that aside from its effectiveness, MaleExtra is also very safe. It leaves no harmful side effects even on constant usage.

MaleExtra will give you tons of benefits

In fact, other male enhancement products pale in comparison with this revolutionary sexual health supplement. Unlike other male performance enhancers, MaleExtra is very comprehensive in covering all your sexual problems. Below are some of the common benefits that you will experience upon using MaleExtra.

  • Increase in penis size and girth
  • Bigger,  thicker, and rock-hard erections that could last for hours
  • Sexual stamina boost
  • Improved sexual health sans the side effects

What Makes Male Extra Very Effective?

The key to this male enhancement product’s effectiveness is of course its ingredients. MaleExtra contains nothing but the best ingredients culled mostly from nature. This means that while you are enjoying the power of this amazing male enhancement supplement, you will have no worry of experiencing any harmful side effects even during long-term usage.

It contains 1500mh of ultra-potent ingredients that have been proven and tested by sexual health experts as safe and very effective. In fact, people who have already used this product have nothing to say but praise and astonishment. The exclusive formulation of this much-talked-about sexual enhancement product consists mainly of 40% ellagic acid. Derived from Pomegranate, this substance revs up your libido while improving your overall sexual health.

The official MaleExtra site also offers you a six-month money back guarantee if you feel that the product does not work for you. However, you will not really be needing this offer since it is guaranteed that upon experiencing MaleExtra it would really be impossible to part with it ever. For more MaleExtra male enhancement reviews, feel free to visit www.maleextra.com today.

What is the Secret Behind the Success of MaleExtra

The success and effectiveness of MaleExtra in improving all areas of male sexual capability lies in its ingredients. It consists of the most outstanding sexual enhancement ingredients known to man. But unlike most male enhancement products, MaleExtra is more organic. It does not contain a lot of harmful synthetic substances that can pose serious risks not only to your sex organ but to your overall sexual health as well.

Proven and Tested by Experts

MaleExtra is guaranteed safe and effective. It has passed the rigid quality control test supervised by health experts. If you need to know more about this wonderful male enhancement product, you can read more MaleExtra male enhancement reviews from excellent resources online or you can also directly visit www.maleextra.com.

To conclude, and help you make a decision

  • Do you have a sneaking suspicion that you are not satisfying your partner in the bedroom?
  • Do you find your downstairs equipment lacking?
  • Do you wish you can be bigger, harder, and longer literally?
  • Do you want to do something about your (not so) small problem?

Now you have the answer to your prayers with the MaleExtra Male Enhancement pills.

The MaleExtra Male Enhancement pill is the best male enhancement supplement pill on the market today. It contains a number of ingredients that help men have bigger penises, and longer and thicker erections so their partners can be fully satisfied when they get their groove on in the bedroom.

Side effects? None!!!

The MaleExtra Male Enhancement pill is formulated with all natural ingredients so you can be assured that it is safe to take and there are no reported side effects. Its active ingredient is pomegranate 40% ellagic acid which is said to be nature’s own male enhancement product.

This supplement also contains L-Arginine which increases your nitric oxide levels. This helps produce more blood flow to your penis for an increase in the girth and size of your manhood. For it to be super effective, you must take the MaleExtra Male Enhancement pill and also do penis exercises. Also, maintaining a proper diet will also help, not only your bedroom performance but also your general health and well-being.

Watch this video testimonial

Men who have used the product gave positive reviews about the MaleExtra Male Enhancement pills. They say that there has been improvement in their sexual performance after taking the pills for a few weeks only. Some users also remarked that the penis exercises also helped in increasing their penis size.

Some users also report that they experience more intense orgasms during sex and an increase in the volume of their ejaculation.  Although this supplement only contains natural ingredients and there are no reported side effects, men who want to try this product are advised to consult with their physicians beforehand.

You can order your MaleExtra Male Enhancement from their official website today

You can choose among the following:

  • 1 month supply: 90 capsules + Fast & free shipping = $59.99
  • 3 months supply: 270 capsules + 1 FREE ERECTION GEL + Fast & free shipping = $119.99
  • 5 months supply: 450 capsules + 2 FREE ERECTION GELS + Fast & free shipping = $179.99
  • 12 months supply: 1080 capsules + 4 FREE ERECTION GELS + Fast & free shipping = $359.99

Do not worry about ordering online because your order of MaleExtra Male Enhancement pills and the extras will be sent to you in discreet packaging; you are also billed discreetly and you can be assured that your order is protected by data encryption and security. If for any reason, you are unsatisfied with the product, you are guaranteed a 180-day money-back guarantee.

If you need to know a little more about male enhancement supplements, here’s a small guide that can help you clear up a lot of your doubts.

The Great Demand for Male Enhancement Products

Sales of male enhancement products are figures that actually compete well with other health products in the market. This may come off as no surprise since the idea of a generous male size is actually quite seen as a plus by both men and women.

Such is the demand for male enhancement products that there is a clamor for various types and methods of male enhancement in the industry. Some promise to work, while others who have tried such products either attest that they do or don’t. It is hard to determine which one can work best. However, if you are interested, you just have to look at the right product and learn how it can greatly help you achieve effective male enhancement.

Chemical and Natural Male Enhancement

While the male enhancement industry offers numerous products that claim guaranteed increases in male size, most of these are products that people regard with much skepticism. They believe that penis size is something that increases naturally. Others also have much distrust in chemical-based products, as they often have side effects that manufacturers do not point out at first. This has put a dent in people’s belief in chemical-based male enhancement products. Despite this, they still go and try other ones in hopes that they may work.

In the course of natural male enhancement, it is basically safer to consider such, as these products claim to assist in increasing penis size without any need of ingesting chemical-based medication whose ingredients may cause unforeseen side effects. As stated earlier, some people still believe that male enhancement should just be left to take its natural course. If one can work along with what is natural and help enhance the matter, then such a prospect would seem promising. One just needs to take a good look at how the process goes, and he will be all set.

How Natural Male Enhancement Products Work

When a boy reaches puberty, his body generates hormones that aid in shaping his body into becoming a man. Muscles and bone structure grow, more hair sprouts all over, and his testicles and penis increase in size. There comes a point, however, that the body would stop producing such hormones, thus signaling the end of growth of these body parts.

This is what some natural male enhancement products work at to re-achieve. The product works to reactivate the finished process to help achieve penis growth. The ingredients of such products are sourced from different parts of the world. Most of them aid in increasing libido and empowering sexual drive and function. As this only help increases in length and girth during arousal at first, one might get frustrated and deem the product ineffective. However, one should be aware that penis growth happens gradually, so it might take quite some time before any visible effects occur. Some products would work best with exercises that come along with the purchase, which help solve the dilemma in a manner that is tangible.